Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Sura 2 Al-Baqara


This is the Book; in it guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah ( taqwa )
Who believe in the Unseen, Are steadfast in prayer, And spend out what We have Provided for them.
And who believe in the Revelation Sent to thee. And sent before thy time. And ( in their hearts ) have the assurance of the hereafter.
Of the people there are some who said that they believed in Allah, and the last day, but they do not really believe

God said that in their hearts was a disease, because they were false to them selves
God Gives glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness.

When Lord said that A vigerent will be Created by God the angels said that God will place therein one who will make shed bloods.
But God Said that He Knew what the angels knew not.
God Said to the angels to bow down to Adam, and they bowed down except Iblis

He rejected faith.
God Said to Adam to eat the bountiful things in the garden but not to approach a special tree. But Satan made them ( Adam and Eve) slip from the garden and get them out the state in which they had been.

God said to Adam and Eve that who whoesover follows His Guidance, on them shall no be fear, nor shal they grieve. But those who reject faith and belie His Signs, they shall be the companions of tre fire. They shall abide therein.
God Asks us to be steadfast in prayer; practice regular charity; And bow down our heads with those who bow down ( in worhsiip )

God Told us to seek help with patience and perseverance. It is indeed hard except with a lowly spirit.

God Asks us to remember when Moses said to his people to do the comandment of God to sacrifice a heifer, and they said that Moses made a laughing-stock of them, but Moses said that God Saved him from being an ignorant.
They said what heifer it was.
Moses said the heifer should neither too old nor too young, but a middling age.
The asked the colour. Moses said it must be a fawn coloured heifer. It must be pure and rich in tone, the admiration of beholders.
They asked all heifers alike. Moses said that it was a heifer not trained to till the soil or water the fields, sound and without blemish. Then they offered her in sacrifice.

At that time there was someone who slew a man, and fell into dispute among himself as to the crime. But God was to bring forth what he did hide.
God Asked them tro strike the body with a piece of the heifer. Thus God Bringeth the dead to loife and Showeth them His Sign.


The above true story was about a richman who who was slew by his nephew because his nephew wished to have all of his treasury. Nobody knew who was the killer, and at that time there was not any proffesional police -man, so God Helped them to Show them the killer through the heifer
After they stroke the body of that richman with a part of the heifer's body ( the tail ), the dead man alived again to tell them the killer and then died again.

In this sura God Said that on no soul God Place a burdern greater than it can bear.
God also Suggested us to pray in order God did not Layed on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear.
